VMware vShield 5.0.1 update

As part of the VMware vCloud Director 1.5.1 update, I also updated my vShield Manager appliance.  The update was easy and I’ve had no problems since the update.

Here are the official release notes from VMware:

vShield 5.0.1 release notes

Prerequisites that I recommend:
Backup your vShield Manager database.

It’s cool, easy, and encrypted. Soooo, you won’t be able to view any of the NAT, Firewall, VPN info.  However, I think it’s a good idea to keep this backed up.   Soooo, you won’t be able to view any of the NAT, Firewall, VPN info.   However, I think it’s a good idea to keep this regularly backed up.

Here are the screenshots: 

Log into your vShield Manager appliance — then choose “Settings and Reports” section on the left.  Now, select the updates tab.

Now choose “Upload Settings.”  — You will be able to browse to the *VMware-vShield-Manager-upgrade-bundle-5.0.1-638924.tar.gz” file.

You’ll now need to confirm your decision to upgrade your vSM:

Now, sit back — and wait for the bundle upgrade to finish.  This might take a few minutes—- AND in my specific situation, I had to click the “refresh” button in my browser.  It seemed that the install hung at 0%… However, I may not have waiting long enough.

After hitting refresh in my browser — and re-logging in, it seemed things looked OK.  The version number had been updated.

Also, if you login to the vSM appliance, you can issue a “show version” command to take a look at the update.

One thing that I DID notice:  After the upgrade, the version/build number (when viewed from vSphere) did not update.  Perhaps, I need to reboot for this to become updated.

However, when new vShield Edge servers are deployed, the correct version/build numbers are displayed.

That’s it…


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